OCAG News - December 13, 2006

Important news from director Krislyn Gottman. Read-only!

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OCAG News - December 13, 2006

Postby Marissa on Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:32 pm

Hi all.

Two main things here.

First, I'm going to make a suggestion. It might be a good idea to keep your kid home and let them rest on Friday.

Now, I don't know how excused and unexcused absences go at your school and I certainly don't want anyone getting in trouble but the kids are going to be pretty tired, even without school.

As some of you know, we thought we were going to get to use the Cafetorium on Thursday. Well it turns out that just before we asked someone else asked and got it instead.

If that group leaves before 9 pm I'm thinking I would like to meet there and run the show once (after we leave the bank). That puts us being finished at around 11 pm. I know it's late but it will be OUR LAST REHEARSAL and I think we should do it.

So, if the kids are up until midnight and then they all have to go to school in the morning and then they have to come to the performance that night they are going to be dead on their feet. So keep it in mind.

Second thing and it's very important. I spent yesterday writing bad check after bad check. Some of you haven't paid me in months. I love the kids and if I could afford it I would teach for free but I can't.

You know who you are. I've put all the checks that have been given to me in the bank. So, if you don't see a canceled check from me it means I haven't been paid. I shouldn't have to beg like this guys.

See you tonight at 6 pm at the Cafetorium. We are there until 10 pm.
Marissa 8-)

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