OCAG News December 8, 2006 (Part 2)

Important news from director Krislyn Gottman. Read-only!

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OCAG News December 8, 2006 (Part 2)

Postby Marissa on Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:07 pm

Everyone needs to remember to go back and read ALL OF THE POSTS since you last checked them. There are times when I have a lot of important information that I need to forward on to you daily (sometimes more than once a day) so please be aware of the last post you read and if you see new ones, in addition to the newest one, then read them all. This shouldn’t be too hard because I date each one. If you don't read all of the posts you might end up not knowing something important.

Remember, DRESS REHEARSALS start on MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2006. That includes shoes.

I know that sometimes it's really hard to get costumes ready but we're going to have to try hard. Usually, if someone doesn't bring a costume then they just don't wear it during rehearsal while everyone else has to. More a reward than anything else.

So here is what we are going to do. Starting Monday, December 11, 2006, if you come to rehearsal without a costume or your shoes or tights or whatever you must have a better excuse than just "I don't know" or "sorry, we didn't have the time." At this point we have (I think) 2 stay at home mothers. All other families have working parents. NO ONE HAS ANY TIME. Everyone knows that time has to be made.

If you don't have your costumes, shoes, etc AND you don't have a good reason (a reason will be ruled "good" or "bad" by me) then I will take away your lines. When I say "lines" I mean the little deal about everyone getting to announce a song or number for the shows. If you don't have the costumes and you don't have good excuses then I'll let you concentrate on getting your costumes instead of having to memorize lines.

Sorry I'm having to be mean, but being nice hasn't worked in the past.

Okay. That's it. I think I'm going to be posting one more post today so have your eyes open for it.
Marissa 8-)

"We will go to the Moon...not because it is easy but because it is hard." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard, is what makes it great." - A League Of Their Own.

The natural condition of the theatre business is one of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster. However, as strange and unbelievable as it sounds, it always turns out well. No one knows why this is. It’s a mystery.
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